После обновления квика до версии перестал работать скрипт отрисовывающий горизонтальные уровни (lineFractals), который работал у меня с незапамятных времён. Пожалуйста, подскажите как поправить индикатор. Писал его не я и сам не смогу разобраться.
Settings = { Name = "*line Fractals", Period = 20, line = {{ Name = "FRACTALS - Down", Type = TYPE_POINT, Color = RGB(255, 0, 255) }, { Name = "FRACTALS - Up", Type = TYPE_POINT, Color = RGB(0, 128, 255) } } }
function toYYYYMMDDHHMMSS(datetime) if type(datetime) ~= "table" then --message("в функции toYYYYMMDDHHMMSS неверно задан параметр: datetime="..tostring(datetime)) return "" else local Res = tostring(datetime.year) if #Res == 1 then Res = "000"..Res end local month = tostring(datetime.month) if #month == 1 then Res = Res.."/0"..month; else Res = Res..'/'..month; end local day = tostring(datetime.day) if #day == 1 then Res = Res.."/0"..day; else Res = Res..'/'..day; end local hour = tostring(datetime.hour) if #hour == 1 then Res = Res.." 0"..hour; else Res = Res..' '..hour; end local minute = tostring(datetime.min) if #minute == 1 then Res = Res..":0"..minute; else Res = Res..':'..minute; end local sec = tostring(datetime.sec); if #sec == 1 then Res = Res..":0"..sec; else Res = Res..':'..sec; end; return Res end end --toYYYYMMDDHHMMSS
function isnil(a,b) if a == nil then return b else return a end; end
function Init() func = FRACTALS()
--добавляем линии for i = 1, lines do Settings.line[i+2] = {Color = RGB(0, 128, 255), Type = TYPET_BAR, Width = 1} --upLines end for i = lines+1, 2*lines do Settings.line[i+2] = {Color = RGB(255, 0, 255), Type = TYPET_BAR, Width = 1} --downLines end
return #Settings.line end
function OnCalculate(Index) return func(Index, Settings) end
function FRACTALS() --Fractals ("FRACTALS")
local H_tmp={} local L_tmp={}
--стеки линий local upLines = {} local downLines = {} local countUpLines = 0 local countDownLines = 0
return function (I, Fsettings, ds)
local Fsettings=(Fsettings or {}) local P = (Fsettings.Period or 5)
P = math.floor(P/2)*2+1 H_tmp[I]=Value(I,"High",ds) L_tmp[I]=Value(I,"Low",ds)
if I == 1 then upLines = {} downLines = {} countUpLines = 0 countDownLines = 0 return nil end
local high = Value(I,"High",ds) local low = Value(I,"Low",ds) --myLog("T("..tostring(I).."); "..isnil(toYYYYMMDDHHMMSS(T(I)))..' high '..tostring(high)..' low '..tostring(low))
if I>=P then local S = I-P+1+math.floor(P/2) local val_h=math.max(unpack(H_tmp,I-P+1,I)) local val_l=math.min(unpack(L_tmp,I-P+1,I)) local L = Value(S,"Low",ds) local H = Value(S,"High",ds) if (val_h == H) and (val_h >0) and (val_l == L) and (val_l > 0) then if ds then return S,S else SetValue(S, 1, val_l) SetValue(S, 2, val_h) end else if (val_h == H) and (val_h >0) then if ds then return S,nil else SetValue(S, 1, nil) SetValue(S, 2, val_h) countUpLines = countUpLines + 1 if countUpLines > 50 then countUpLines = 1 end for i=S,I do SetValue(i, 2+countUpLines, val_h) end --myLog('-------- add up index '..tostring(S)..' val '..tostring(val_h)..' line '..tostring(countUpLines)) upLines[countUpLines] = val_h end end if (val_l == L) and (val_l > 0) then if ds then return nil,S else SetValue(S, 1, val_l) SetValue(S, 2, nil) countDownLines = countDownLines + 1 if countDownLines > 50 then countDownLines = 1 end for i=S,I do SetValue(i, 2+lines+countDownLines, val_l) end --myLog('-------- add down index '..tostring(S)..' val '..tostring(val_l)..' line '..tostring(countDownLines)) downLines[countDownLines] = val_l end end end
--вывод линий local i=1 while i<=lines do --myLog('up i '..tostring(i)..' val '..tostring(upLines[i])) if upLines[i]~=nil then SetValue(I-1, 2+i, upLines[i]) if high>upLines[i] then --myLog('cleen up i '..tostring(i)) upLines[i] = nil
--компрессия стека, если произошел прорыв линии for j=i,lines-1 do upLines[j] = upLines[j+1] upLines[j+1] = nil end countUpLines = countUpLines-1 i = i-1 end end i = i+1 end
i=1 while i<=lines do --myLog('down i '..tostring(i)..' val '..tostring(downLines[i])) if downLines[i]~=nil then SetValue(I-1, 2+lines+i, downLines[i]) if low<downLines[i] then --myLog('cleen down i '..tostring(i)) downLines[i] = nil
--компрессия стека, если произошел прорыв линии for j=i,lines-1 do downLines[j] = downLines[j+1] downLines[j+1] = nil end countDownLines = countDownLines-1 i = i-1 end end i = i+1 end
function Value(I,VType,ds) local Out = nil VType=(VType and string.upper(string.sub(VType,1,1))) or "A" if VType == "O" then --Open Out = (O and O(I)) or (ds and ds:O(I)) elseif VType == "H" then --High Out = (H and H(I)) or (ds and ds:H(I)) elseif VType == "L" then --Low Out = (L and L(I)) or (ds and ds:L(I)) elseif VType == "C" then --Close Out = (C and C(I)) or (ds and ds:C(I)) elseif VType == "V" then --Volume Out = (V and V(I)) or (ds and ds:V(I)) elseif VType == "M" then --Median Out = ((Value(I,"H",ds) + Value(I,"L",ds)) / 2) elseif VType == "T" then --Typical Out = ((Value(I,"M",ds) * 2 + Value(I,"C",ds))/3) elseif VType == "W" then --Weighted Out = ((Value(I,"T",ds) * 3 + Value(I,"O",ds))/4) elseif VType == "D" then --Difference Out = (Value(I,"H",ds) - Value(I,"L",ds)) elseif VType == "A" then --Any if ds then Out = ds[I] end end return Out end